CBTL06GP213EE是NXP公司的一款高速多路复用器产品,CBTL06GP213EE是Second-generation high performance general purpose switch,本站介绍了CBTL06GP213EE的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与CBTL06GP213EE相关的NXP元器件型号供参考。
CBTL06GP213EE - Second-generation high performance general purpose switch - 高速多路复用器 - DisplayPort - 恩智浦, LLC
The CBTL06GP213 is a six-channel (‘hex’) multiplexer for DisplayPort, HDMI andPCI Express applications at Generation 2 (‘Gen2’) speeds. It provides four differentialchannels capable of 1?:?2 switching or 2?:?1 multiplexing bidirectional, AC?coupledPCI Express, DisplayPort signals, USB3 SuperSpeed or DC coupled TMDS signals, usinghigh?bandwidth pass?gate technology. It provides support for high common?mode/biasvoltage on the high?speed differential channels. Additionally, it provides forswitching/multiplexing of the Hot Plug Detect signal as well as the AUX or DDC (DisplayData Channel) signals, for a total of six channels on the display side. The AUX and DDCchannels provide a four-position multiplexer such that an additional level of multiplexingcan be accomplished when AUX and DDC I/Os are on separate pins of the display sourcedevice.
The CBTL06GP213 is designed for Gen2 speeds, at 5.0?Gbit/s for PCI Express or5.4?Gbit/s for DisplayPort or HDMI 1.4b 3.4?Gbit/s. It consumes 490?μA current (typical) inoperational mode and provides a shutdown function to support battery-poweredapplications.
A typical application of CBTL06GP213 is on applications where one of two GPU displaysources must be selected to connect to a display sink device or connector. A controllerchip selects which path to use by setting a select signal HIGH or LOW. Due to thenon-directional nature of the signal paths (which use high-bandwidth pass gatetechnology), the CBTL06GP213 can also be used in the reverse topology, for example, toconnect one display source device to one of two display sink devices or connectors.
- 1 : 2 switching or 2 : 1 multiplexing of DisplayPort (v1.2 - 5.4 Gbit/s) PCI Express(v2.0 - 5.0 Gbit/s) signals, USB3 SuperSpeed or HDMI 1.4b (3.4 Gbit/s) TMDS signals
- 4 high-speed differential channels with 2 : 1 muxing/switching for DisplayPort orPCI Express or HDMI signals
- 1 channel with 4 : 1 or 4 : 2 muxing/switching for AUX at 1 Mbit/s or DDC signals,USB2 signals
- 1 channel with 2 : 1 muxing/switching for single-ended HPD signal
- High-bandwidth analog pass-gate technology
- Supports high-speed signal switching over a wide common-mode range anddifferential swing
- RON on DP high-speed channels: 7?Ω
- Low insertion loss:
- -0.9 dB at 100 MHz
- -1.1 dB at 1.35 GHz
- -1.3 dB at 2.7 GHz
- -3 dB bandwidth at 9.5 GHz
- Low crosstalk: -32 dB at 2.7 GHz
- Low off-state isolation: -23 dB at 2.7 GHz
- Low return loss: -19 dB at 2.7 GHz
- Very low intra-pair skew (5 ps typical)
- Very low inter-pair skew (< 80 ps)
- Switch/multiplexer position select CMOS input
- Shutdown mode CMOS input
- Supports backdrive protection
- Single 3.3 V power supply
- Operation current of 490?μA typical, shut-down current 10?μA maximum
- ESD 2 kV HBM, 500 V CDM
- Available in 5 mm x 5 mm, 0.5 mm ball pitch TFBGA50 package
- Motherboard applications requiring DisplayPort, HDMI, PCI Express, and USBswitching/multiplexing
- Docking stations
- Notebook computers
- Chip sets requiring flexible allocation of PCI Express or DisplayPort I/O pins to boardconnectors