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NXP产品 - NTAG213F/216F介绍
NTAG213F/216F - NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant IC with 144/888 bytes user memory and field detection

NTAG213F/216F是NXP公司的一款读卡器IC产品,NTAG213F/216F是NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant IC with 144/888 bytes user memory and field detection,本站介绍了NTAG213F/216F的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与NTAG213F/216F相关的NXP元器件型号供参考。

NTAG213F/216F - NFC Forum Type 2 Tag compliant IC with 144/888 bytes user memory and field detection - 读卡器IC - 接口与连接性 - 恩智浦, LLC


The NTAG213F and NTAG216F are the new NFC forum compliant Type 2 tag products developedby NXP Semiconductors for applications in electronics (i.e. connection handover,Bluetooth simple pairing, Wi-Fi Protected set-up, device authentication, gaming andothers).

On top of offering a large range of User memory (144 bytes for NTAG213F and 888 bytes forNTAG216F), the NTAG21xF product family offers innovative functionalities likeconfiguration of the field detection, the SLEEP mode, the FAST_READ command and aconfigurable password protection.

The NTAG21xF product family is designed to fully comply to NFC Forum Type 2 Tag andISO/IEC14443 Type A specifications.

The NTAG21xF product family also offers the same package (HXSON4), the same inputcapacitance and a full pinning compatibility to the NTAG203F product.

Contactless energy and data transfer

Communication to NTAG21xF can be established only when the IC is connected to anantenna.

When NTAG21xF is positioned in the RF field, the high speed RF communicationinterface allows the transmission of the data with a baud rate of 106 kbit/s.

Simple deployment and user convenience

NTAG21xF offers specific features designed to improve integration and userconvenience:

The fast read capability allows to scan the complete NDEF message with onlyone FAST_READ command, thus reducing the communication time overhead The improved RF performance allows for more flexibility in the choice ofshape, dimension and materials The HXSON4 package delivery form is the same one used as the NTAG203F withthe same pinning The field detect functionality is based on an open-drain implementation thatrequires only one pull up resistor Security Manufacturer programmed 7-byte UID for each device Capability container with one time programmable bits Field programmable read-only locking function per page up to 0Fh page (per 2pages (NTAG 213F) or per 16 pages (NTAG 216F) for the extended memorysection) ECC based originality signature 32-bit password protection to prevent unauthorized memory operations Field detection

The NTAG21xF product family features an RF field detection functionality based onOpen Drain that can be configured with different RF signal or actions trigger:

upon any RF field presence upon the first Start-of-Frame (start of the communication) upon the selection of the tag

The corresponding output signal can be used as interrupt source to e.g. wake up anembedded microcontroller or trigger further actions - e.g. Bluetooth and WiFipairing.

Sleep mode

The NTAG21xF product family offers the SLEEP mode feature which allows the electronicdevice connected with the NTAG21xF to disable the NTAG21xF product by shorting thefield detect pin to ground followed by RF field reset. This enables the electronicdevice to hide the NTAG21xF product from the NFC reader device in case e.g. itsbattery level is too low or for privacy reason.

NFC Forum Tag 2 Type compliance

NTAG21xF IC provides full compliance to the NFC Forum Tag 2 Type technicalspecification and enables NDEF data structure configurations.


An intelligent anticollision function allows to operate more than one tag in thefield simultaneously. The anticollision algorithm selects each tag individually andensures that the execution of a transaction with a selected tag is performedcorrectly without interference from another tag in the field.

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