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NXP产品 - PCA9955BTW介绍
PCA9955BTW - 16-channel Fm+ I2C-bus 57 mA/20 V constant current LED driver

PCA9955BTW是NXP公司的一款I²C LED显示驱动器产品,PCA9955BTW是16-channel Fm+ I2C-bus 57 mA/20 V constant current LED driver,本站介绍了PCA9955BTW的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与PCA9955BTW相关的NXP元器件型号供参考。

PCA9955BTW - 16-channel Fm+ I2C-bus 57 mA/20 V constant current LED driver - I²C LED显示驱动器 - I²C - 恩智浦, LLC


The PCA9955B is an I2C-bus controlled 16-channel constant current LED driveroptimized for dimming and blinking 57 mA Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA) LEDs in amusementproducts. Each LED output has its own 8-bit resolution (256 steps) fixed frequencyindividual PWM controller that operates at 31.25 kHz with a duty cycle that isadjustable from 0 % to 100 % to allow the LED to be set to a specific brightness value.An additional 8-bit resolution (256 steps) group PWM controller has both a fixedfrequency of 122 Hz and an adjustable frequency between 15 Hz to every 16.8 seconds witha duty cycle that is adjustable from 0 % to 99.6 % that is used to either dim or blinkall LEDs with the same value.

Each LED output can be off, on (no PWM control), set at its individual PWM controllervalue or at both individual and group PWM controller values. The PCA9955B operates witha supply voltage range of 3 V to 5.5 V and the constant current sink LED outputs allowup to 20 V for the LED supply. The output peak current is adjustable with an 8-bitlinear DAC from 225 μA to 57 mA.

Gradation control for all current sources is achieved via the I2C-bus serialinterface and allows user to ramp current automatically without MCU intervention. 8-bitDACs are available to adjust brightness levels for each LED current source. There arefour selectable gradation control groups and each group has independently four registersto control ramp-up and ramp-down rate, step time, hold ON/OFF time and final hold ONoutput current. Two gradation operation modes are available for each group, one issingle shot mode (output pattern once) and the other is continuous mode (output patternrepeat). Each channel can be set to either gradation mode or normal mode and assigned toany one of these four gradation control groups.

This device has built-in open, short load and overtemperature detection circuitry. Theerror information from the corresponding register can be read via theI2C-bus. Additionally, a thermal shutdown feature protects the device wheninternal junction temperature exceeds the limit allowed for the process.

The PCA9955B device has a Fast-mode Plus (Fm+) I2C-bus interface. Fm+ devicesoffer higher frequency (up to 1 MHz) or more densely populated bus operation (up to 4000pF).

The active LOW output enable input pin (OE) blinks all theLED outputs and can be used to externally PWM the outputs, which is useful when multipledevices need to be dimmed or blinked together without using software control.

Software programmable LED Group and three Sub Call I2C-bus addresses allow allor defined groups of PCA9955B devices to respond to a common I2C-bus address, allowingfor example, all red LEDs to be turned on or off at the same time or marquee chasingeffect, thus minimizing I2C-bus commands. On power-up, PCA9955B has a unique Sub Calladdress to identify it as a 16-channel LED driver. This unique address allows mixing ofdevices with different channel widths. Three hardware address pins on PCA9955B allow upto 125 devices on the same bus.

The Software Reset (SWRST) function allows the master to perform a reset of the PCA9955Bthrough the I2C-bus, identical to the Power-On Reset (POR) that initializesthe registers to their default state causing the output current switches to be OFF (LEDoff). This allows an easy and quick way to reconfigure all device registers to the samecondition.

  • 16 LED drivers. Each output programmable at:
    • Off
    • On
    • Programmable LED brightness
    • Programmable group dimming/blinking mixed with individual LEDbrightness
    • Programmable LED output delay to reduce EMI and surge currents
  • Gradation control for all channels
    • Each channel can assign to one of four gradation control groups
    • Programmable gradation time and rate for ramp-up and/or ramp-downoperations
    • Programmable step time (6-bit) from 0.5 ms (minimum) to 512 ms(maximum)
    • Programmable hold-on time after ramp-up and hold-off time afterramp-down (3-bit) from 0 s to 6 s
    • Programmable final ramp-up and hold-on current
    • Programmable brightness current output adjustment, either linear orexponential curve
  • 16 constant current output channels can sink up to 57 mA, tolerate up to 20 Vwhen OFF
  • Output current adjusted through an external resistor (REXT input)
  • Output current accuracy:
    • ±4 % between output channels
    • ±6 % between PCA9955B devices
  • Open/short load/overtemperature detection mode to detect individual LEDerrors
  • 1 MHz Fast-mode Plus compatible I2C-bus interface with 30 mA highdrive capability on SDA output for driving high capacitive buses
  • 256-step (8-bit) linear programmable brightness per LED output varying from fullyoff (default) to maximum brightness fully ON using a 31.25 kHz PWM signal
  • 256-step group brightness control allows general dimming (using a 122 Hz PWMsignal) from fully off to maximum brightness (default)
  • 256-step group blinking with frequency programmable from 15 Hz to 16.8 s and dutycycle from 0 % to 99.6 %
  • Output state change programmable on the Acknowledge or the STOP condition toupdate outputs byte-by-byte or all at the same time (default to ‘Change onSTOP’).
  • Active LOW Output Enable (OE) input pin allows forhardware blinking and dimming of the LEDs
  • Three quinary hardware address pins allow 125 PCA9955B devices to be connected tothe same I2C-bus and to be individually programmed
  • 4 software programmable I2C-bus addresses (one LED Group Call addressand three LED Sub Call addresses) allow groups of devices to be addressed at thesame time in any combination (for example, one register used for ‘All Call’ sothat all the PCA9955Bs on the I2C-bus can be addressed at the sametime and the second register used for three different addresses so that 1?3 ofall devices on the bus can be addressed at the same time in a group). Softwareenable and disable for each programmable I2C-bus address.
  • Unique power-up default Sub Call address allows mixing of devices with differentchannel widths
  • Software Reset feature (SWRST Call) allows the device to be reset through theI2C-bus
  • 8 MHz internal oscillator requires no external components
  • Internal power-on reset
  • Noise filter on SDA/SCL inputs
  • No glitch on LEDn outputs on power-up
  • Low standby current
  • Operating power supply voltage (VDD) range of 3 V to 5.5 V
  • 5.5 V tolerant inputs on non-LED pins
  • -40 °C to +85 °C operation
  • ESD protection exceeds 4000 V HBM per JESD22-A114
  • Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC Standard JESD78 which exceeds 100 mA
  • Packages offered: HTSSOP28
  • Amusement products
  • RGB or RGBA LED drivers
  • LED status information
  • LED displays
  • LCD backlights
  • Keypad backlights for cellular phones or handheld devices
  • Fade-in and fade-out for breathlight control
  • Automotive lighting (PCA9955BTW/Q900)
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