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NXP产品 - PTN5100DABS介绍
PTN5100DABS - USB Type-C PD PHY and protocol IC, I2C for dongles

PTN5100DABS是NXP公司的一款USB主机控制器产品,PTN5100DABS是USB Type-C PD PHY and protocol IC, I2C for dongles,本站介绍了PTN5100DABS的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与PTN5100DABS相关的NXP元器件型号供参考。

PTN5100DABS - USB Type-C PD PHY and protocol IC, I2C for dongles - USB主机控制器 - 接口与连接性 - 恩智浦, LLC


PTN5100D is a single port USB Type-C Power Delivery (PD) PHY and Protocol IC thatprovides Type-C Configuration channel interface and USB PD Physical and Protocol layerfunctions to a System PD Port Policy Controller (Policy Engine and Device PolicyManager, Alternate mode controller). It complies with USB PD and Type-C specifications.PTN5100D is architected to deliver robust performance, compliant behavior,configurability and system implementation flexibility that are essential to tide overinteroperability and compliance hurdles in the platform applications.

PTN5100D can support system realization of the following PD roles: (i) Consumer only (ii)Consumer/Provider. Further, it is register programmed to operate in Type-C specificUpstream Facing Port (UFP). It can work along with the PD policy controller to operatein other modes (DFP, DRP).

PTN5100D operates from platform power supply VDD, or it can also be poweredfrom USB power VBUS directly. The host interface operates on VIO supply tofacilitate interfacing to systems that use IO supply rail different from VDDsupply rail.

It provides SPI/I2C interface for system host control/status update. Theinterface choice is pre- configured in NXP factory.

PTN5100D is available in a small footprint package option: HVQFN20 4 mm x 4 mm, 0.5 mmpitch.


USB PD and Type-C Features

Complies with USB PD and USB Type-C specifications.
  • Supports implementation of various system PD roles: Consumer,Consumer/Provider
  • Supports Type-C role configurability
    • Type-C role (UFP, DFP)
    • Implements UFP role pull down behavior to handle dead batterycondition on battery powered platforms
    • Implements 'Rd' indication on CC pin
  • Cooperatively works under the control of Policy controller MCU for power deliverynegotiation and contract(s), Alternate mode and VDM exchanges
    • Implements BMC (de)coding, 4B5B symbol (de)coding, CRCgeneration/checking, PD packet assembling/disassembling includingPreamble, SOP, EOP, Good CRC response, Retries, Hard and Cableresets
    • PD PHY and Protocol layer interface control and status update handledvia SPI/I2C interface
    • DRP and DFP roles can be supported

System protection features

  • Back current protection on all pins when PTN5100D is unpowered
  • CC1 and CC2 pins are 5.5 V tolerant
  • VBUS pin and VBUS power path MOSFET enable pins are 28 V tolerant


  • Delivers (active LOW enable) gate control signals for PMOS Power MOSFETs onVBUS source and sink power paths
  • Provides dedicated IO pin (CC_ORIENT) for indicating Cable/plug orientation
  • Delivers up to 30 mA (max) for powering Policy controller MCU
  • Supports SPI slave interface (SPI modes 0 and 3 supported) up to 30 MHz
  • Supports I2C slave interface standard mode (100 kHz), Fast mode (400kHz) and Fast mode plus (1 MHz)
  • Supports 3.3 V or 1.8 V capable I2C-bus or SPI interface
    • Supports register access - device configuration, control andstatus/interrupt interfacing through Slave I2C-businterface
  • Power supplies - VDD (3.3 V ±10 %) or VBUS
    • Tolerant up to 28 V on VBUS and operational up to maximumof 25 V on VBUS
  • Operating temperature -20 °C to 105 °C
  • ESD 8 kV HBM, 1 kV CDM
  • Package: HVQFN20 4 mm x 4 mm, 0.5 mm pitch.
  • PC accessories/peripherals: Docking, Mobile Monitors, Multi-Function Monitors,Portable/External hard drives, Dongles and accessories, etc.
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