SL2S2602是NXP公司的一款ICODE产品,SL2S2602是ICODE SLIX2,本站介绍了SL2S2602的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与SL2S2602相关的NXP元器件型号供参考。
SL2S2602 - ICODE SLIX2 - ICODE - 智能标签与标牌IC - 恩智浦, LLC
The ICODE SLIX2 IC is the newest member of NXP’s SLIX product family. The chip isfully backwards compatible to SLIX and offers an increased user memory size, along withnew outstanding features and performance:
NXP originality signature Increased speed for Inventory management Increased reading range Increased robustness against detuning effects 2.5 kbit user memory size Flexible user memory segmentation with separate access conditions Password protected on chip service cycle counter
Contactless energy and data transferWhenever connected to a very simple and easy-to-produce type of antenna (as a result ofthe 13.56 MHz carrier frequency) made out of a few windings printed, winded, etched orpunched coil, the ICODE SLIX2 IC can be operated without line of sight up to a distanceof 1.5 m (gate width). No battery is needed. When the smart label is positioned in the fieldof an interrogator antenna, the high speed RF communication interface enables data to betransmitted up to 53 kbit/s.
AnticollisionAn intelligent anticollision function enables several tags to operate in the fieldsimultaneously. The anticollision algorithm selects each tag individually and ensures thatthe execution of a transaction with a selected tag is performed correctly without datacorruption resulting from other tags in the field.
Security and privacy aspects
Unique IDentifier (UID):
The UID cannot be altered and guarantees the uniqueness of each label.
Originality signature:
32 byte ECC based originality signature.
Password protected memory management (Read/Write access):
The user memory can be segmented into two pages and the access rights forread/write access can be defined for each of them. This ensures that only authorizedusers get read/write access to the protected parts of the user memory (anticounterfeiting). READMULTIPLE BLOCK and (FAST) INVENTORY READ arecompatible to ICODE SLI and ICODE SLIX.
Password protected Label Destroy:
The 32-bit Destroy password enables an addressed label to be destroyed with theDESTROY SLIX2 command. That status is irreversible and the label will neverrespond to any command again.
Password protected Privacy Mode:
The 32-bit Privacy password enables a label to be set to the Privacy mode with theENABLE PRIVACY command. In this mode the label will not respond to anycommand except the command GET RANDOM NUMBER, until it next receives thecorrect Privacy password. This mode is especially designed to meet the increasingdemand to take care of the customers privacy.
Password protected EAS and AFI functionality:
The 32-bit EAS/AFI password enables the addressed label to be set in a mode wherethe EAS status, the EAS ID and/or the AFI value can only be changed if the correctEAS/AFI password needs to be transmitted before with the SET PASSWORDcommand.
16 bit counter:
The last block of the user memory provides a special feature - the 16 bit counter. Thecounter can be increased by one with a WRITE command (optionally passwordprotected by the read password). The counter can be reset to an initial value with thewrite password.